Intel RealSense 400
My responsibilities included system performance, components of the stereo algorithm on the imaging ASIC, and contributions to the design of laser projector pattern.
Compact VCSEL Projector
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A low-cost dense, configurable projector system for RGB-D depth sensors.
Depth Image Enhancement
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Algorithms to filter, enhance and clean-up RGB-D data streams.
Real-time Box Measurement
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Using a single depth sensor, real-time detection of cuboids, accurate estimation of their dimensions, and even some bin-packing.
DashPoint: A low-cost, low-power human interface device
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Finger tracking on a microcontroller, with optics tricks and some HCI ideas
Stereoscopic depth reconstruction with probabilistic pixel correspondence search
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A fast method for performing stereo depth maps.
Dice Stacking: A Dynamic Manipulation Task
CMU 16-741 Mechanics of Manipulation
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With Hunter Goforth, we designed a manipulation task and solved it with imitation learning.
Introspective Neural Networks
CMU 16-824: Visual Learning and Recognition
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Using pre-trained neural networks to improve fine grained recognition via style transfer.
Stochastic Sampling of Parametric Policies
CMU 16-745: Dynamic Optimization
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Using a very simple algorithm to solve some very simple environments
Optimizing for Physical Simulation
CMU 16-745: Dynamic Optimization
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With Chris Atkeson and Alex Spitzer. Using optimizers to match an observed trajectory.
A Maze Bot
Stanford CS225A: Experimental Robotics
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Making a 6-DoF PUMA arm solve a maze with real-time vision and tracking.
Learning Implicit Communication Strategies
Stanford CS234: Deep Reinforcement Learning
Work with Aaron Goodman on used reinforcement learning to discover implicit collusion strategies in the context of an iterated prisoner’s dilemma.
Computational models for text summarization
Stanford CS224N: Natural Language Processing
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Work with Ludwig Schubert on simplified encoders stages for text summarization.
Superresolution Micrscopy
Stanford CS371: Computational Biology in Four Dimensions
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An implementation of Faster STORM using compressed sensing.
Automatically building Restaurant Ontologies
Stanford CS270: Modeling Biomedical Systems
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Using the Yelp dataset of reviews to model the semantics and relationships between cuisines, businesses and other properties useful for restaurant recommendations.
Beyond Correlation Networks for the Financial Market
Stanford CS224W: Social and Information Network Analysis
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Using graph models, we track the development of financial networks over the 20th century.
Gradient-learned Models for Stereo Matching
Stanford CS231A: Computer Vision, From 3D Reconstruction to Recognition
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Some re-implementations of standard stereo correspondence algorithms, along with experiments using classification for stereo matching.
Multimodal Natural Language Inference
Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding
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We explored how natural language inference tasks can be augmented with visual data.
CNNs for 3D Model Classification
Stanford CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
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3D shape classification by learning an embedding function into a 2D image and using a pre-trained ImageNet network. At the time, got state-of-the-art results for single-view classification on ShapeNet40.
Wide-angle Stereo Lenses
Stanford CS448I: Computational Imaging and Display
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We introduce various projection functions in the analysis of stereoscopic depth sensors.
Doctor Bayes
Stanford CS221: Artificial Intelligence
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Detecting disease from a short description of symptoms. In some small testing, obtained nearly 90% top 5 accuracy and about 60% top 1 accuracy
Level-set based tracking and segmentation
Stanford CS279: Structure and Organization of Biomolecules and Cells
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We implemented a detection and deformable tracking pipeline for red blood cells.
Dequantization of Depth Data
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An O(1) time algorithm for producing smooth normals for quantized data, such as the Kinect.
Golf swing monitoring
Work with Ankur Mehta, built a demonstration platform that used wireless low-weight, low-cost sensor platforms to monitor a golf swing.
Project Tetra: Collaborative robot state estimation
UC Berkeley EE149: Embedded Systems
With Humphrey Hu, Ryan Julian, and Eric Yuan, a project to show the efficacy of multiple-robot collaborative state estimation. Using Wiimote cameras, mobile robot platforms, and real-time wireless communication.
GINA: Low power design
UC Berkeley
For testing and validating the functionality of the GINA (Guidance and Inertial NAvigation) mote, a 1.6 gram sensor platform.
GINA: Wireless sensor platform
UC Berkeley
I helped Anita Flynn and Thomas Watteyne build these small sensors and wrote firmware.